Monday, 2 February 2015

Shakti, Karma and Spirituality | Karma of Trimurti

Defining Karama, the biggest message of Bhagwat Geeta, is really a tough task. What actually Karma means as per the terminology of "Divine Mother". How karma and Shakti/Energy go hand in hand? Why Shakti resonate all the actions/karma and result it back? 

Divine Mother or Adi Shakti, is supreme court/ruler/ of all the universes. The Absolute Energy is the one that creates universal laws and rights. The laws made by her tend her to take different forms. The ten Mahavidyas (Great Knowledge) are the different forms of energy that are to be used by trinity to complete the tasks for creation preservation and destruction. E.g. Goddess Bhuveneshwari, who has alloted the trimutri with their tasks and provided them the required "Energy form". MahaLakshmi means the "energy behind the target (Lakshya)". On can achieve target, when there is light of God. Hence Mahalakshmi means "Light Energy" or Energy behind Radiation. One of the very basic form of Energy. 

Why Vishnu required Mahalakshmi or Light? Shiva required Mahakali or Heat? and Brahma required Mahasaraswati or Sound?

The Karma assigned by Adi Shakti to Trimurti, is the reason.  In Devi Purana, Adi shakti ordered "Trimurti" that you would create, preserve and destroy the universe that already been Manifested from Adi Shakti. As such, Adi Shakti gave them all the resources and provided them their Energies. What can you do if you would have complete "Energy of radiations/light"? Answer is simple You can create forces like Gravitational Force, Centripetal Force etc. Force is Maya, Vishnu being creator of Maya. Controls the whole world through it. That is the reason, why in Bhagwat Geeta, Krishna explained that Maya is under him, and by that he is tuning and sustaining the whole world. It means Krishna/Vishnu is also doing a very essential Karma. More to that, Krishna has stated in Geeta that whenever there is depreciation of  "Dharma", I would come to sustain it. It means he has been doing Karma using "Light Energy" or "Energy of Radiations" or "Mahalakshmi". Like wise, Shiva who is expansion of Vishnu as per Bhagwatam, require Heat Energy or Energy behind rise and fall or temperature (Mahakali another name of Goddess Jwala) to destroy and rejuvenation of entire world.  Brahma who is creator/generator require waves/sound for seeding so he was given "Goddess Mahasaraswati" or Vak Devi or Sound. 

So now It is easy to elaborate what is karma? How your own energy is related to it? Energy inside you always guides you and motivates you. Karma is the pathway that helps you to get biggest objective of your life, because of which you are living.  


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